The Prompt library is an essential feature in Team-GPT that helps ensure consistent and efficient communication with AI models. Prompts are reusable pieces of text that guide AI interactions, and you can save your most frequently used prompts for repetitive tasks.
Accessing prompts
There are two ways to access prompts:
- Click the prompts button in the chat input panel
- Type '/' in the chat
Types of prompts
System prompts
Team-GPT provides dozens of pre-built system prompts covering various use cases, ready for immediate use.
Custom prompts
You can create and save your own prompts in two ways:
- Private prompt library for personal use
- Shared folders for team collaboration
Creating custom prompts
- Choose a location (private library or shared folder)
- Click the 'New prompt' button
- Name your prompt
- Enter your instructions
- Add variables using double curly brackets {{variable}}
- Variables allow for different values on each use
Using prompts
- Select your desired prompt from the library
- Fill in any variables if present
- Click continue
Additional support
If you need further assistance, please contact your account manager or Team-GPT support at support@team-gpt.com.